Onto the Orient

Hello all 

So much has been happening since I wrote last time. In my “plan for 2023” I listed that one of the jobs for this year was to compare my data to other modalities. This is where I have been focusing (obsessing) my time in the last few weeks. I have started with Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), specifically acupuncture, Tibetan medicine (TM) acupuncture and an Osteopathic technique called Chapmans points (which later became AK’s Neurolymphatic points).  

You may wonder how I am comparing these modalities and in what way. Firstly, I am simply looking at the location of a point and see if it lines up with a TCM or TM or Chapman point. Is it in the same space on the body? So far so good!  

What I have realised is that even though I have mapped each point, I will need to go back over each one in the next year and determine if each one relates to the above modalities. If they don’t fit, I will need to work out why.  

Then, when the opportunity arises, I test the Body point against a meridian. This is called Therapy Localising (TL), an Applied kinesiology concept.  

As you can see from the pictures, I am just at the beginning of this process; it is indeed rather intense and overwhelming. So much my subconscious has started joining in and I’ve begun dreaming about body points over night, several times a week! It is like a new level to the riddle and every fibre of my being is helping out. I don’t mind though. My hubby asked me recently if I had put my all into this, and I can absolutely say ‘Yes’. 

So 2023 continues to be an exciting learning period, and this journey will continue. 

I am getting some solid ideas of what 2024 may involve. It is going to be very, very exciting. It is as huge as this year, but I need to keep it secret until I have all the complex details ironed out. For now, I am about to launch my new website, which has this blog embedded in it.  

Much love and light, 


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