
I thought I was going mad.
I have been feeling like an old typewriter… following a trail of ideas and
attempting to go back to the beginning… over and over again. Do you
remember the typewriters that have the lever so you can use “return” and
start the next row? But rows flow?

My madness was in thinking that the way I have been creating was “wonky”
or “wrong”. The weird idea was that I was supposed to follow one path of
ideas to completion and then start the next idea. WRONG! Instead I have
been working on multiple threads of projects all at once… like a mad busy
I realise now, if I followed that way, I would lose so many leads of
information and lose an immense amount of time (I’m guessing years,
Sigh. Relief.
I am what I am. Those of you that know me well would be fully aware that I
am a sensitive creature that tends to not care and also fret – all at the same
time. I feel a sense of relief that this way of working, my way, is indeed
perfect for my job.
At the moment I am attempting to create a cohesive picture of the Chest. It
involves about 11 paired lung points, the 6 heart points, an undetermined
number of intercostal points, possibly 9 paired breast points, as well as the
rib margin points. Also, did I mention the points around the collarbone?
Many of these are very close to each other and may overlap. What makes
it extra tricky is that mapping and recording one point this morning resulted
in me working on a left foot point, in an entirely different system (wait what..
another system? Yes, I am creating 3 different systems at once… that info
can just remain hidden for a few more years).
Chest, breast, foot, now… where was I? So now you can see why I feel like
a typewriter… I must continually return my little brain to the beginning….
“ting!”. But I also need to acknowledge the threads and links… and that is
where more knowledge and insights may lie.
My darling cousin R said years ago I was like a Rosella… noisy, colourful,
messy and creative, and just to be myself. Slowly, slowly, I see that this
insane, haphazard way of creating is just fine, thanks !
Thanks for listening!

One response to “Madness”

  1. Haphazard sounds perfectly fluent to me!

    Liked by 1 person

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